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About Flights from Aarhus to Bogota
The distance between Aarhus to Bogota (AAR-BOG) is 5,735 miles. You can take a flights from Aarhus to Bogota while traveling on this route. However, there are no direct flights and hence, expect one or more layovers at London, Madrid, Fort Lauderdale or Copenhagen. There are only 19 connecting flights available on this route on a daily basis. It takes 20hour 40minutes to reach your destination.
To avail flights from Aarhus to Bogota, you need to book connecting flights. For a cheap flight, book your one -way seat with Ryanair, Wizz Air, Norse Atlantic Airways, and JetBlue at USD 367. In addition, for a round-trip, book your seat with Scandinavian Airlines and Avainca at USD 1,008.
Furthermore, the nearest airports to travel between the two cities are Aarhus Airport and El Dorado International Airport (AAR-BOG).
Here are some insights concluding flight fares from Aarhus to Bogota (AAR-BOG):
One Way Trip
What is the flight duration from Aarhus to Bogota?
It takes 20hours 40minutes to reach Bogota from Aarhus by flight.
Are there any direct/ non-stop flights available for Aarhus to Bogota?
There are no direct flights between Aarhus and Bogota. So, you have to book connecting flights on this route. Expect one or more layovers at London, Madrid, Fort Lauderdale or Copenhagen.
What are the best flights from Aarhus to Bogota?
To avail flights from Aarhus to Bogota, you need to book connecting flights. For a cheap flight, book your one -way seat with Ryanair, Wizz Air, Norse Atlantic Airways, and JetBlue at USD 367. In addition, for a round-trip, book your seat with Scandinavian Airlines and Avainca at USD 1,008.
How many flights are there between Aarhus and Bogota?
There are a total of 133 weekly flights between Aarhus and Bogota, which means 19 flights daily.
Which Airports will I be using to fly from Aarhus to Bogota?
You will board a flight from Aarhus Airport and land at El Dorado International Airport (AAR-BOG).
When are the flight tickets from Aarhus to Bogota the cheapest?
While traveling from Aarhus to Bogota consider flying on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, when the price drops by 35%. Avoid weekends.
Do I need a passport to travel between Aarhus and Bogota?
Yes, you have to carry a valid passport if you are traveling from Aarhus to Bogota. However, citizens of both countries are allowed to apply for ‘Visa on Arrival’, while traveling between the nations.